Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Post Surgical Update


My oncologist and I visited briefly.  The wound looked good and he thought I was ready for chemo.  He stated my likelihood of developing lymphodema is only 20%.  He also said my weight will be the biggest factor and I could begin working out again.  He wants me to "train like an Olympian".  I'm not sure I'm up to that but I am definitely ready to return to my high school fighting weight.

The chemo will include other drugs to fight the nausea and fatigue.  I need to start on Metamucil.  (I think my mother somehow planted that idea.) 


My surgeon pulled off the bandages (Ooooucchhh) and then replaced with clean steri-strips.  The wound is healing well and I do not have a lot of fluid built up.  She will review the wound again on October 11 at 3pm.  Please note the date and time are more for my reference than yours.  My memory is already a jumbled mess.

The pathology report has not been completed.  However, my surgeon confirmed that the nodes were negative for cancer.  (YES!)  She also spoke to the pathologist and was told no other IDC was found but there were a few spots of DCIS on the "far" side of the tissue - away from the original tissue removal site.  She thinks radiation should take care of what's left.  She was optimistic but guarded.  She wants to see the final written report.

I am to avoid use of my arm for at least a month.  However, I am cleared for low impact aerobics.  She wants me to work on a healthy diet also.


The incision where the lymph nodes were excised is sore.  Ice is my new best friend.  The second incision is fine.  I'm not any more tired than normal.  My apetite is nil.  Let's hope that helps.

Port on Thursday.  First chemo next Wednesday.

Thanks again for all the help, jokes, love and prayers.  Each and every bit is felt and needed.

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