Saturday, September 22, 2012

Adventures in Medical Procedures


The staff at the imaging center, although very professional, is hilarious.  Two male nurses that were like a comedy tag team got me ready and answered questions....well, eventually.  I'm not exactly a serious patient so I can't blame them. They say laughing is the best medicine and I have to agree.

In less than an hour, I was pumped full of versed and demerol and the vortex port was implanted.  I was loopy but managed to walk out on my own.  Erica was very thankful.

We got lunch and headed to my house.  I remember eating but I do not remember much more.  I think I took a few phone calls and answered a few texts.  That might not have been wise.  I slept through much of the day.

The port incisions are sore and I have lost some mobility in my neck.  There is a pulling near the site.  I hope that goes away.


The date is set: Wednesday at 9:45 am.   I have a friend to take me and pick me up.  She is a survivor and a nurse so she knows what I'm facing.  She will hold my hand.

I can do this!!

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