Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chemo...dun dun duuunnnnn

Chemo Treatment One:

My Southern BFF woke me up as she drove to work but I was hoping for sleep.  Turns out she only called 5 minutes before the alarm.  I jumped in the shower and dressed and was ready when Tejinder arrived just after 9am.

Tejinder is a RN, ex-coworker, Komen volunteer, Survivor and friend.  She rocked as my advocate for today.  She shared her story and told me not to listen too closely as every one's journey is different.  I have been extremely apprehensive but in the end, it turns out my imagination is better than it should be for a stuffy accountant.

I turned in my FMLA and disability paperwork ($50 racket!), paid my co-pay and was weighed (down 4lbs - not sure how??).  Tejinder and I then went in to wait for Dr P.  It took quite awhile but we talked about Italy, India, rudeness, being a grown up, etc.  Dr. P wanted to know what I was most concerned about and how I was feeling.  Barfing and good.  I'm going to die of old age.

The Room:

Women and men laying in recliners, attached to an IV stand (George per Katie RN, here in after referred to as Katie), looking relaxed or nauseous (not sure ?).  Apparently, you must arrive early to get a chair on the sunny side of the room.  I wasn't early enough.

Katie introduced herself and began her routine.  Its chicken with head cut off meets IV bags, needles and hot pads.  My port allows me to receive chemo and give blood - all with one quick prick - bulls eye every time.  And now that the swelling and tugging have receded, I am going to like this port.

The first bag contained an anti-nausea and benedril.  The port swiftly delivers the drip to my heart through a large vein.  Reaction is immediate.  Floating and sleepy.  Bag 2 was Carboplatin and made me dizzy and sleepy.  At this point, I stopped fighting and drifted to la la land.  It was peaceful sleep - better than I've been getting at home.  I told Tejinder to go since I know watching me sleep is no picnic.  Bag 3 was Taxetere and I only awoke long enough to see Katie start the switch.  This seemed to have no effect.

I woke after about 2.5 hours feeling well.  I went potty (see I can type PG).  Stretched.  Tried to read a trash mag - I couldn't even concentrate on the pictures.  I decided to listen to Susan's iPad so I put on my earphones, turned on the Clarkson album and begin to chair dance and adjust the volume.  Yes, Lyndsay, I forget to plug the earphones into the iPad so Katie had to come over and help me out.  I am a dipshit.


Visitors of all kinds were in and out.  Some came with patients and others came to thank the staff and hang out.  The latter brought brownies.  They are welcome back.  Someone handed out dark   chocolate pretzels - a personal fav - but I should have asked where she found them.  My "group" appears to be primarily elderly individuals with the exception of one or two.  And despite everyone saying I'd be cold, I was hot and sweaty.  Katie noticed the ants in my pants but I declined her help.  I may need to bring a fan but the logistics of cooling me while everyone else is cold is puzzling.

Walmart called and confirmed my iPad 2 order.  Yes everyone, I have gone to the DARK side.  Mark picked it up, chose a good cover, and then brought it to me.  In the meantime, Tejinder brought me my favorite burger - INO cheeseburger with raw onion and a coke.  I need to better plan for a meal or two.  Today I overloaded on sugar which was not good.  Mark was not finished downloading the new iPad software when the bags ran dry.  I asked Tejinder to go and made Mark take me home.  He setup the iPad with the apps and stuff I wanted.  It rocks!!


I have 5 oral meds to take for anti-nausea over the next several days.  I also must report in for daily shots that will keep my "counts" up.  I don't know exactly what this means but essentially chemo kills cancer and humans.  The shots are to keep this human's immune system working.

The euphoria of my new iPad is receding so I am more aware of symptoms.  When I first arrived home, I swore my brother had burned a pot on the stove.  Per him and Mark, it was all in my head.  Not a resounding verification, but I'm going to assume it was a symptom.  It has faded.  Slight dizziness has been pecking at my head all evening.  Its not bad but I'm a klutz so sitting vs walking is preferred.  And dizziness leads to nausea if not countered with cold.  Ice truly is my hero so far.

I ate a wedge of brie and my low call BBQ PopChips.  It still tasted good.  If I toss it tonight, it may not.  I'm going to eat cereal or noodles later.  Tired-ish now.  Its hard to type and be dizzy.

A special thank you to today's angels: Tejinder, Dr P, Katie, Mark and my bro.  Your kindness, support, love, and humor are making this journey a simple bump in the road.  LOVE and THANKS!!!

To all that have texted or emailed, I will always try to respond but sleep comes soooo easily.  I appreciate all your prayers, inquires, love and support.  Keep them coming!

Samantha :)

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