Monday, September 10, 2012

Plan for the Worst, Pray for the Best


I met with the oncologist and we went over the lab findings and he made recommendations.  He believes that the surgeon got all the IDC but that there may be additional DCIS remaining.  He also examined my breasts and lymph areas.  I was given two choices:

1.  A second lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy followed by chemo and radiation.

2.  Chemo followed by a mastectomy and possibly radiation.  This option would also require an immediate ultrasound of the lymph area.


Chemo will consist of 6 treatments spread over 15 weeks - one treatment every three weeks.  I received a great deal of literature to review.  Common side effects include hair loss, nausea, weight gain, diarrhea, fatigue, fluid retention and numbness in fingers and toes.  The good news is these side effects should be temporary.

The chemo drugs are administered intravenously.  I will be receiving Carboplatin, Taxotere and Herciptin.  The veins in my hand are small so I will have a port installed.  This is temporary and will be removed when treatments conclude.


Radiation will be administered daily M-F for six weeks after chemo is complete.  The process only takes a few minutes after the initial appointment.  Side effects include fatigue and sunburn like reddening of the skin.

My Choice:

I have chosen to have a lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy followed by chemo and radiation.  If the lumpectomy is successful and all DCIS can be removed with clear margins, the likelihood of recurrence is only 3-4% higher than with a mastectomy and chemo.

There is a chance that the DCIS is throughout the breast and complete removal through lumpectomy will be impossible.  If this happens, I will have to have a mastectomy after chemo is complete.

My original plan was to be proactive but my cancer is stage 1.  Its early.  I don't need to rush ahead too fast.  One step at a time.


I will be going in for surgery on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 at 3:00pm.  My oncology follow up is scheduled for Tuesday, September 18, 2012 but I forgot what time.  Chemo should start soon after.


Prayers above all.  Perhaps nutritious low sodium, low fat meals for Thursday.  My weight is quite literally a noose around my neck and its time to turn it around.  Kenny will keep me moving and I will learn to like to cook again.


I will make sure a post goes to my FB once I'm in recovery.  Please wait for this update.

THANK YOU!! I am basking in all the love and support you are sending.  Please keep it coming as it makes this journey so much better.


  1. So glad that you've a plan in action ! I will direct my prayers to tomorrow's procedure; this is but a bump in the road to wellness :)

    Now, let's untie that noose and get you (& me too) back on the veggie wagon, I'd be happy to cook for you and help you find a way to enjoy that chore more :)
