Thursday, September 13, 2012

And I'm off....

Lumpectomy #2:

Yesterday I had my second lumpectomy.  Although the oncologist was satisfied with my previous margins, he was worried there could be more multi-focal DCIS.  Results Tuesday.

This was also an opportunity to biopsy my lymph nodes.  The surgeon excised three nodes and they looked clear.  Pathology should confirm on Tuesday.


I meet with my oncologist Tuesday afternoon.  I'm hoping all is clear.


The veins in my hand are quite small so I will need a medical port inserted just below my skin on the left side.  It is a common outpatient procedure.  I will be sedated and I will need a driver.  I have been scheduled for Thursday, September 20, 2012 at 10:15 am.


I do not have a date for chemo yet but its anticipated to start the week of September 24.  My immune system will be compromised.  I'm not sure how this will affect my plan to continue working??

Again, thank you for all the help, cheers and prayers.  And keep them coming.  One battle at a time.

Thank you.

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