Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Plastic Surgeon:

I met with Dr. Plastics to discuss reconstruction and augmentation.  Currently, I do not anticipate either option.  I'm lucky. 

Side Note:  I was asked to remove all clothing above the waist and put on a robe.  I've heard this A LOT in the last 8 weeks, so I complied.  However, the robe, although an actual cloth robe, had not been washed recently.  It stank of old lady perfume.  I stank of old lady perfume for the rest of the day.  Gross, right?!

General Surgeon:

I met with Dr. G and she examined my incisions.  Both incisions are healing well.  She removed the one stitch that was driving me crazy and now that area has healed.

My concern was a dark area near the lower incision.  Dr. G used ultra sound to scan the area and verified that it is fluid build up.  Because of the large area removed, it may take up to six months for the void in my breast to absorb the fluid and heal.  The void is huge.  Again, I'm lucky.

Fighting Germs:

I woke up Saturday with a raw, swollen throat.  I thought I was done.  However, completely out of character, I cancelled all plans and stayed in bed.  I slept away half the day, gargled with salt water and dosed with Airborne.  I went to bed early and repeated on Sunday.  (Mama Sharon was very proud).

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