Thursday, February 28, 2013

Did you say immune compromised?

Healing Takes Time
I know this won't shock anyone, but I am not a patient person.  Chemo was finished so I should be back to normal.  Right? Not so fast.

I decided my immune system should be perfectly fine after three weeks because that was the amount of time between treatments.  I was wrong (this actually is shocking!).  I went back to working full time and eliminated the quarantine precautions I had setup during chemo.

I managed to get a sinus infection and it was gunking up my eyes.  I gave it 3 days to take care of itself.  It did not.  On a Sunday, I went to Urgent Care and got antibiotic drops.  I put the drops in as directed on Sunday.  The following is how I woke up Monday.

Dr. H said it was probably an allergic reaction.  The drops either did this directly or I scratched like mad in my sleep.  Either way, Dr. H was concerned that my platelet count may be too low.  I was ordered to go see Dr. P and have that checked out.  STAT!  My platelets were fine.
Dr. H also realized my lungs were headed to that dark place.  I was given a breathing treatment.  My lung capacity didn't budge - only 60%.  Dr. H prescribed my usual round of meds.  Chemo had already reduced my lung capacity.  The added sinus condition and coughing made it a very bad combination. 
That night I sat on my bed, wide awake, unable to breathe or sleep.  At 3:30am, I couldn't stop coughing or catch my breath, and I passed out as I stood up.  I awoke immediately, dazed and confused, and the damage was done.  My hands were sticky and my face hurt.  I checked my reflection in the mirror.  I had blood from ear to ear.  A quick rinse showed multiple carpet burns, a bloody nose, and two fat lips.  Pretty.
My brother, with a fever and chills, was not at home so I called him, crying hysterically.  Once he realized I wasn't dying, he worked on calming me down.  The roles had been reversed many times.  Apparently he had listened because he kept telling me to shut up and breathe.  It only took 45 minutes.
The next day my dentist checked out my teeth.  He said they were still solidly in place but very swollen.  He thought my bite would repair itself after the swelling went down.  He suggested soft foods for a few days.
Feeling great the next morning.  NOT!
I wanted to freak out my niece.  Mission Accomplished!
After the first day, most of the pain had gone.  And I am happy to report, that in just two short weeks, I look like myself and I even have some hair again.

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