Thursday, February 28, 2013

Burn Baby Burn...Disco Inferno


I met with my radiation oncologist in mid January at Fresno Community.  There would be many challenges:

1.  Large breast
2.  Asthma
3.  Ultra sensitive skin

Typically, patients lie on their back while receiving treatment.  This position makes it difficult to avoid the chest wall, lungs and breast bone.  Ideally, I would need a treatment plan that would stay clear of these areas.

Dr. S went to school and trained back east.  She has worked with newer radiation technologies.  Yeah me!

Her proposal was to treat me while I lie on my stomach and drop my breast below the table.  It would be similar to the position used for stereo tactic biopsies.  The problem became getting the equipment.  It had been ordered but was not due in Fresno until mid to late March. 

On the day of my simulation appointment, I was awakened by a rich-voiced gentleman with a sexy accent.  He said my appointment had been postponed one week because the new equipment would arrive that Friday.  Things were looking up.

I became their guinea pig.  They had to figure out how the board worked and how to make it work for me.  There were a lot of blocks of styrofoam being cut, ink drawings on my back and lots of people.  There were water breaks and puzzled looks.  The gentleman from the phone joined us after being warned about my response to his voice.  It was a party of sorts but I was the only one with their top off.  I left with 6 heart shaped tattoos. Please note they look like dots to the naked eye but I was assured in reality, they are hearts.

February 19 - the call came.  Could I begin that evening?  Yes!

I arrived early and must have looked lost.  One of the regulars grabbed a gown and told me how the system worked.  There were several regulars waiting and we chatted like we'd been friends forever.  The holiday had created quite a backlog.  I didn't get into the radiation chamber until 6pm.

The torture of getting me placed perfectly began.  During the simulation it was necessary for me to rest my head on my chin - this was painful due to my recent nose dive.  After what seemed like an eternity, the techs left the room and the machine began to turn.  Motion sickness.  Note to self: close eyes next time.  I was finally released and asked to come back the next day.  I had not been radiated.  They had only taken pictures.  It was 7pm.  The process was repeated on Wednesday.  However, I was out by 6:30pm but still had not had a treatment.  I was told they would call if I needed to come in Thursday.  They called at 6pm.  I declined. 

I was set for Friday.  Lining me up went quickly and when the techs left the chamber, the machine blitzed off and on for about 30 seconds.  Could this be it?  The machine rotated and then blitzed off and on for another 30 seconds.  I then heard the chamber door open and the tech say we're all done.  In disbelief, I asked for verification that I had indeed received treatment.  It was confirmed.

I have now had five treatments and there are two of us taking advantage of this new board.  So far, no heat or burn.  I'm feeling lucky - only 28 to go!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I was checking a few of your posts and had a quick question about your blog. I was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance -emilywalsh688 (at) Thanks : )

