Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Long Overdue Update

Medical Details:

Chemo goes through the blood stream killing cancer but it can also kill the blood aka me.  As you may have guessed, I'm meaner than chemo.

My platelets, which allow the blood to clot, remain normal.

White bloods cells protect you from infection.  Traditional signs of infection however are absent when one is undergoing chemo.  My white cells indicate that I'm at a slight to moderate increase in risk.  This explains the regular chills and fevers.  If my fever reaches 101 F, I need to contact my doctor immediately.  I have gotten as high as 100.8 F.

Red blood cells provide energy and stamina.  I am definitely anemic.  This means I'm fatigued, weak and short of breath.  Now I know why I can sleep for days.

Treatment Status:

Chemo # 4: Check

Chemo # 5: Check

Chemo # 6: January 9.  Woohoo!! I will be done!!

Radiation:  Consult January 18.

My Status:

I feel good.  My spirits are high.  Chemo has NOT been as difficult as I thought it would be.  It has been interesting and presented challenges, but overall not so bad.

I need a ride for my last chemo so holler if you have time.  Pick me up at 8am, wait to be sure I can have treatment, and return at 1pm.  I usually like to go to lunch too. :D

I will try to post again soon after I start radiation.

Thank you.

PS If you know someone recently diagnosed that is lost or scared or both, please give them my number.

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