Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Chemo - Round 3 - Half Way There

The Last Three Weeks

The last three weeks have gone quickly but a lot has transpired.  Race (refer to last post), cold and party.

I caught a cold and ran a low grade fever for a week.  It was not fun but rest and fluids helped.  I had little or no social contact and that was hard.  I'm still coughing (the asthmatic in me) and have lost my voice but I feel good if not a little tired.

Our company awards dinner was last Saturday.  I showed up with my wig, makeup and a dress on.  I'm sure it was the shock, but I received a lot of compliments and a few inappropriate comments.  Dinner was tasty and "Elvis" was fabulous.

Chemo - Round 3

Weighed me (small loss), bled me (white count perfect) and poisoned me (drunk and dizzy).

Joann picked me up and we grabbed breakfast on the way.  It was suggested I may not be able to have chemo today due to my lingering cough.  Jo was gracious enough to wait and was therefore late for work.  Because all systems were normal, I was given the drip.

I sat with Dr. P and he asked what were my top two major complaints.  Diarrhea and fatigue.  I told him I was very thankful for so few symptoms.  He was happy to hear it.  He was also happy with the labs from my second lumpectomy - two small spots of DCIS.  No worries.

The MUGA administered last week was an unusable mess with lots of excuses.  Dr. P was not happy.  I also took this opportunity to tell him my concerns with the imaging center.  I will need to go back to my cardiologist for an EKG again.

This round means I have completed half the necessary chemo and I'm doing well.  I am blessed, very blessed.

Moving On

I have been able to work.  My memory and vocabulary have suffered but Elena is keeping me on track and focused.  As long as I don't have interruptions, I can get a lot done.  No multitasking.  One job at a time.  Mornings are tough due to my top two complaints.  I have never been a morning person but now its just ridiculous.

Needs List

I need help with grocery shopping.  I'd like to go after work on Wednesdays. 

I also need help with laundry.  I would like to offer dinner and movies on Sunday afternoon while laundry is running.  I will need a heads up on dinner thoughts by Wednesday. 

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